Do you find yourself a bit more edgy at this time of year? The holidays can definitely cause tensions to rise. There are requests being made for time off, families attempting to make plans to see one another, airline tickets being purchased, more congestion on the freeways, and lots of shopping taking place … not to mention the wrapping that comes after all of that shopping.
We are in giving mode … give, give, give, and so often we leave ourselves out of that equation. No matter how much you love the holiday season (I know I do), this time of year certainly can bring with it heightened emotions. Even the stress others are feeling can have affect on us. Have you ever noticed you can actually feel tension in the air? Try shopping at the last minute; how do those around you feel while waiting in the long check-out lines? My point exactly … So, before we find ourselves dealing with the aftermath of reacting to an ugly moment in time - giving away our peace, I am suggesting we try a new approach. This holiday season, I’m going to be right alongside you doing my best to … A C T instead of Reacting It’s like the old adage - “Stop, Drop, and Roll.” When we’re faced with a stressful situation, where the heat’s turned up and we feel our internal sirens blaring, we can choose to A C T, instead of reacting. This is what we can do: A = Acknowledge (“stop”) the stressful moment, our feelings and how our body’s reacting. Breathe, and collect ourselves to the best of our ability in the moment. We honor ourselves in this way. We’re human and we have emotions; there’s no justice in denying our feelings. C = Consider (“drop”) carefully what just occurred. Try to give yourself what I like to call the grace of space, or the theater room view by distancing yourself from what just happened. Sometimes that means leaving the room, or excusing ourselves and finding solace in the restroom. Take the time to reflect on the response that will empower, offer love, or healing, or simply diffuse emotions – your own, or those of others. T = Take action or a Time-out (“roll”) … sometimes a situation deserves a response, and sometimes it simply doesn’t. Just because we’re faced with a challenge, doesn’t mean we need to react. We can even choose to put off a response until the raw emotions pass, and we’re in a better position to respond from a place of calm, centeredness, wisdom and personal power. Easy, right?! Well, breaking old patterns take practice … that’s a given. This little acronym is intended to keep it easy to remember when you’re in the heat of the moment. Cut yourself some slack if you “lose it.” Simply, try again next time. Remember, practice makes perfect, and self-love reigns. This is the season of giving, and giving peace of mind to ourselves is the greatest of all gifts! When we do this, we have truly so much more to give others! Wishing you all a magnificent holiday season (at my house we call it Christmas)! Here’s to more joy, more cheer, more love, and most certainly more peace!
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